Academic Development Decolonisation Written Case Studies

Decolonising through Reflexive Practice

Contributors Sami Safadi Educational affiliation Salford Business School, University of Salford Abstract In 2021, after over a year of looking at decolonising practices and approaches, and delivering some introductory sessions for Salford Business School (SBS) laying the foundations for decolonising work, I decided to create a resource to support the work. Part of my efforts […]

Further Education Written Case Studies

Exploration of the key factors contributing to the inequality among students and the impact on progression: The Feeder College Project 

Contributors Educational affiliation Manchester Metropolitan University Abstract This contribution aims to discuss the Feeder Colleges Project within Accounting Finance and Banking at MMU and the impact it has had on progression. The project is designed to explore the key factors contributing to patterns of inequality among students, specifically in the context of the award and […]

Lived Experiences Written Case Studies

Lived Experiences of BAME Students Uncovered Through Reflective Diaries

Contributors D. Theresa Nicholson Educational affiliation Manchester Metropolitan University Abstract Persistent awarding gaps are evidence of continued structural race inequality in HE. Quantitative data that demonstrate institutional and national awarding gaps, connect with our cognitive selves. Here, we inform our work to close award gaps while at the same time gathering evidence that evokes our […]