
We are excited to invite you to contribute to this repository.

UK Higher Education Award Gap Group are seeking further case studies within the repository to share the work being undertaken to investigate and close gaps in differential outcomes for Black, Asian, and other racially minoritised groups; and in turn, learn from each other.

We recognise that investigating and narrowing award gaps is multifaceted, and therefore welcome contributions covering the following areas:

  • Developing an inclusive student experience
  • Designing and evaluating support mechanisms or interventions
  • Enhancing employability
  • Modifying learning and teaching practices
  • Building community and student belonging
  • The impact of staff representation
  • Decolonisation practices
  • Other related issues

You can contribute by either a written submission, or by a short ‘talking head’ video.

Before making a contribution, please read the full contribution information page.

Further guidance on the submission particulars can be found here

Ready to contribute?

Once you have submitted this, a member of the team will get in contact with you.

Contributions will be reviewed on a quarterly basis. The next deadline for review is Sunday 29th October 2023.

Please note, your contribution is entirely voluntary and will be attributed to you and any additional authors once published on the repository. It is entirely your decision to share any information. You can amend or withdraw your contribution at any stage leading up to and after publication on the repository. If you ask to withdraw after the repository is published we will take your case study off our website, but we can not guarantee that it might not have been downloaded or copied elsewhere.

If you have any queries, please get in touch.